- Produce officers and men who can ably operate armoured equipment in operations of war and operations other than war.
- Produce officers and men with skills to foster harmony between the defence forces and the population, wherever deployed.
- Produce officers and men capable of contributing to the National economy by engaging in productive activities.
- Produce officers and men capable of rapidly responding in times of emergency and give Military Aid to Civil Authorities whenever called upon.
About Armoured Warfare Training School (AWTS)

- Mission
- Vision
- Objectives
To train and produce officers and men capable of manning armoured equipment in the contemporary battle space in order to enable Armoured and Motorised Infantry Brigades build stronger well trained professional formations.
To train and produce proficient and professional officers and men ready to command, operate, conduct maintenance and repair of the Armoured and Motorised brigades’ assets under all environments of war and operations other than war.

2001 - 2006

2012 - 2013

2006 - 2012

2013 - incumbent
Organisational Structure and Courses Offered
- Tank Courses
- Motorised Infantry Courses
AWTS has so far trained over 35 intakes of armour crews, technicians and commanders using both local and foreign instructors. The courses so far offered are;
- Battalion Command.
- Company Command.
- Platoon Command.
- Tank Crew.
- Tank Technical courses.
AWTS has so far trained over 17 intakes of commanders, crews and technicians covering both wheeled and tracked assets. Course offered are;
- Company Command.
- Platoon Command.
- Infantry Fighting Vehicles Crew Courses
- Infantry Fighting Vehicles technical courses.